The International Symposium on Autonomous Minirobots in Research and Edutainment (AMiRE) is over and I’d like to tell you a bit about my experience.
Of course, it was great fun! I met wonderful people and listened to inspiring talks. Let me name some people with direct relation to my work: I met Alexander Kettler , whose Jasmin robots were a great technical inspiration for my TAOs. He presented his new model, called Wanda. Another guy I’d like to mention is Juan Gonzalez Gomez , who presented his robots, he completely built with a rapid-prototyping printer, he built himself. You know, my TAOs are also built using such a rapid-prototyping printer, but a professional one. I was very impressed by the quality of his robot. I have never seen a product built with such a DIY-printer and I never thought that it would be possible to build parts for robots with this. Juan convinced me otherwise.
There were even more interesting people on the symposium, of course. E.g. Gilles Caprari , who presented his flying micro-helicopter CoaX. But this posting would get too long, to mention all of them. Below you can see a photo of a quick minirobot family gathering (thank you Juan for sharing!). From left to right, there are Fanny Riedo with her Thymio robot, me with two TAOs, Alexander with two of his Wanda robots and of course Juan with his 3D-printed robot.
Before I forget: Naturally I had something to present, too. The title of my talk was “Embodied Social Networking with Gesture-enabled Tangible Active Objects.” I think I can say, that it definitely was a success. You can find information about the talk under this link .
Thank you to the organizers and the participants of AMiRE 2011! It was great fun! I’m looking forward to see you again sometimes.
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