Dissertation is published

Dissertation is published

Feb 28, 2016. | By: Eckard Riedenklau

Sometimes, it has been quite a journey, but now the dissertation about the TAOs is published and can be downloaded directly from this server . Alternatively, you can visit the publication server page of the Bielefeld University.

It summs up the previous publications on the TAOs and puts them into a larger context including background information on the reasearch field. We also present an overview on the hardware and software extensions and develop an initial set of design guidelines for developing surface-based acutated multi-modal tangible user interfaces.

For readers interested in a printed version, this can be ordered via Amazon Print on Demand .

Cover text:
Making information understandable and literally graspable is the main goal of tangible interaction research. By giving digital data physical representations (Tangible User Interface Objects, or TUIOs), they can be used and manipulated like everyday objects with the users’ natural manipulation skills. Such physical interaction is basically of uni-directional kind, directed from the user to the system, limiting the possible interaction patterns. In other words, the system has no means to actively support the physical interaction. Within the frame of tabletop tangible user interfaces, this problem was addressed by the introduction of actuated TUIOs, that are controllable by the system. In this thesis, we present the development of our own actuated TUIOs and address multiple interaction concepts we identified as research gaps in literature on actuated Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs).


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This work was supported by the
Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)